About High Desert Naturopathic Care

High Desert Naturopathic Care provides full family health care and serves patients of all ages. All illnesses and health goals can be addressed through naturopathic medicine (though in some cases it may be advisable to seek medical care from an MD as well). If you are seeing an MD for your condition, naturopathic care can add supportive treatment. During your visit to HDNC, Dr. Keller will take a thorough health history and perform physical exams and lab work as needed. Your treatment plan may include a combination of: nutritional counseling, exercise recommendations, botanical formulas, homeopathy, nutritional supplementation, meditation, visualization, bodywork, and home therapies.

About Dr. Deborah Anderson Keller

Dr. Deborah Anderson Keller earned her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. She is also a licensed midwife (NM). Dr. Anderson Keller holds bachelor degrees in Nutrition and in Medical Anthropology. From 1991-1993 she spent time studying with Curanderos (healers) in South America while serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer, teaching family health and nutrition in rural Paraguay. In 2000 Dr. Anderson Keller spent five weeks in the Philippines delivering babies in a women’s free-service hospital. In her practice she incorporates principles of Western Naturopathic Medicine with Ayurvedic Medicine, Chinese and Tibetan Medicine, and other eclectic disciplines to maximize the healing benefits of each.


  • Licensed Midwife, New Mexico, 2002-present
  • Licensed Naturopathic Physician (WA State), 1999-present
  • Served as a Board Member of the New Mexico Association of Naturopathic Physicians, 2000-2015
  • Member of Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians
  • Passed Elective National Exam (NPLEX) in Pharmacology, 2020
  • Passed National Exams (NPLEX) to become licensed as a primary care naturopathic physician , 1999
  • Midwifery Preceptorship, Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital School of Midwifery, Manila, Philippines, 2000
  • Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, Bastyr University, Seattle WA, 1999
  • B.S., Nutrition, 1990
  • B.S., Medical Anthropology, 1990

What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic medicine is a distinctively natural approach to health and healing which recognizes the integrity of the whole person and emphasizes the treatment of disease through the stimulation, enhancement, and support of the inherent healing capacity of the individual. Methods of treatment are chosen to work with the individual patient’s needs, respecting the intelligence of the natural healing process. Naturopathic medicine combines safe and effective traditional therapies with the most current advances in modern medicine.  Naturopathic physicians (N.D.s) are highly trained family practice doctors who use a wide range of naturopathic medical modalities. In addition to the basic medical sciences and conventional diagnostics, naturopathic education includes therapeutic nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy, natural childbirth, classical Chinese medicine, hydrotherapy, naturopathic manipulative therapy, pharmacology and minor surgery.*Therapies may include the sciences of clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathic medicine, physical medicine, mind-body medicine and lifestyle counseling, minor surgery, and hydrotherapy. These approaches are combined and tailored to the needs of the individual patient, while emphasizing education and empowerment of the patient to participate actively in their own healthcare.

The Naturopathic Doctors’ Oath (Summary below provided by the AANMC)

Naturopathic doctors are united in the Six Principles of Naturopathic Medicine. Not only an oath, the Principles are the foundation of naturopathic medical education and naturopathic patient care. ND practice is planted firmly in the assumption that it is vital to treat the individual, to stimulate and support the body’s inherent ability to heal, to identify the root cause, address it as naturally and gently as possible, to teach patients how to create wellness, and to prevent illness whenever possible. The Therapeutic Order builds upon the Six Principles to further guide the clinical practice of naturopathic medicine, and emphasizes the determinants of health as an integral component of the care plan. NDs are afforded a broad spectrum of therapies, ranging from nutrition and lifestyle counseling to supplements, pharmaceuticals and minor surgical procedures, however the Therapeutic Order promotes selection of the least forceful intervention when safely indicated.

                                                                                     The Naturopathic Doctors’ Oath

I will honour my teachers & all who have preserved & developed this knowledge & dedicate myself to supporting the growth & evolution of Naturopathic medicine.

I will endeavour continually to improve my abilities as a healer through study, reflection & genuine concern for humanity.

I will impart knowledge of the advanced healing arts to dedicated colleagues & students.

According to my best ability and judgment, I wiIl dedicate myself to the service of humanity as a practitioner of the art and science of Naturopathic Medicine. 

By precept, education and example, I will assist and encourage others to strengthen their health, reduce risks for disease, and preserve the health of our planet for ourselves and future generations. I will continually endeavour to improve my abilities.

I will conduct my life and practice of Naturopathic Medicine with integrity and freedom from prejudice.

I will keep confident what should not be divulged. 

I will honor the principles of Naturopathic Medicine:

First Do No Harm Naturopathic medicine recognizes an inherent self-healing process in people that is ordered and intelligent. Naturopathic
physicians act to identify and remove obstacles to healing and recovery, and to facilitate and augment this inherent self-healing process.

The Healing Power of Nature  Naturopathic medicine works to remove obstacles to recovery, restore and support the powerful and inherent healing ability of your body, mind and spirit and prevent further disease from occurring. 

Identify and Treat the Cause  The primary goal is to determine and treat the root cause of illness instead of focusing on symptoms. Symptoms are viewed as expressions of the body’s natural attempt to heal and the underlying cause may be due to diet, lifestyle habits, stress or environment. 

Treat the Whole Person  Each person is unique and requires individualized care. In treating the cause of any condition, naturopathic medicine focuses not only your physical symptoms, but also mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, spiritual and other factors. Disease effects the entire person, not just a specific organ or system. 

Doctor as Teacher  Naturopathic medicine is all about prevention. When you understand your illness and factors that affect your health, this helps to retain balance and you become more capable of maintaining your own health. Naturopathic doctors provide you with the tools to reach the goal of optimal wellness or an improved quality of life, which is inherent in every body.

When choosing a practitioner, it is important to distinguish those naturopathic physicians that have completed an intensive four-year graduate program at an accredited naturopathic medical school from those who have completed a short-term course in naturopathy (usually by correspondence). The licensed naturopathic physician has a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine (ND) degree from a four-year post-graduate level naturopathic medical school. In states where naturopathic physicians are regulated, graduates of an accredited school must pass several national board examinations. Once licensed, yearly continuing education is required, and their actions are subject to review by a state board of Naturopathic Examiners in the state where they are licensed to practice medicine.

For more information on Midwifery Services, click here.